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Collaberation Piece with Cosmically Connected

Each piece is handcrafted with the utmost love & intention with unique, selectively-chosen stones. Copper is an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify thoughts, it can smoothly transmit the energies of stones to the wearer.


Carnelian is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire. It is a bright and vibrant orange stone that varies from the palest peach to a flame red. Its color oozes warmth, life, and vitality, and these are exactly the benefits it can offer when you use it as an intimacy stone, being both stimulating and empowering.


Carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra, which is the second chakra located just below the navel. The sacral chakra is associated with emotions, creativity, and sexuality. Carnelian is believed to help balance and stimulate this chakra, promoting emotional stability, creativity, and healthy sexual expression. 




Raw copper necklaces can tarnish over time because of exposure to sulfides in the air, as well as humidity. The best method to keep your copper jewelry beautiful and shiny is to clean it occasionally with a polishing cloth or solution.

Carnelian Necklace

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