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Collaboration Piece with Cosmically Connected

Each piece is handcrafted with the utmost love & intention with unique, selectively-chosen stones. Copper is an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify thoughts, it can smoothly transmit the energies of stones to the wearer.


Wearing a chakra stone necklace can help to bring balance and harmony to your energy centers. The metaphysical healing properties of the chakra stones can help to align the chakras, each stone has its own unique properties that can help to heal and support the corresponding chakra. 


Crown Chakra - Amethyst: This stone is known for its ability to calm the mind and enhance spiritual awareness. It promotes inner peace, healing, and spiritual growth.


Third Eye Chakra - Sodalite: This stone is known for its ability to promote logic and rationality. It promotes intuition, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.


Throat Chakra - Amazonite: This stone is known for its ability to promote truth and communication. It promotes self-expression, balance, and inner peace.


Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz: This stone is known as the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It promotes love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace.


Solar Plexus Chakra - Topaz: This stone is believed to help promote self-realization, inner clarity, and confidence. 


Sacral Chakra - Carnelian: This stone is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire. It promotes emotional stability, creativity, and healthy sexual expression. 


Root Chakra - Tiger's Eye: This stone helps you stay grounded and centered. It is known for its ability to promote vitality and physical action. Tiger's Eye encourages you to live boldly, fiercely, and bravely in all aspects of your life.



Raw copper necklaces can tarnish over time because of exposure to sulfides in the air, as well as humidity. The best method to keep your copper jewelry beautiful and shiny is to clean it occasionally with a polishing cloth or solution.


Chakra Necklace

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